HAUG Ionizing Systems
HAUG produces ionizing systems. These are tools for eliminating and producing electrostatic charges.
Discharging systems are intended to eliminate electrostatic charges and for the contactless cleaning electrostatic particles on foils, glas, paper, carton, textiles and many others.
Charging systems serve the electrostatic fixation, i. e. for sticking together the object by use of electrostatic charge. For example labels are fixed by charging technique in moulding forms (IML-process).
Quality guaranteed
The company HAUG produces ionization systems at the highest level. Independent experts confirm our high quality standards for our products and processes - you can expect a lot ...

We will attend the trade fair
what to expect at our stands? Products to touch and quality advice! Visit us at one of the following shows ...
More trade fairs can be found here.
Ion Beam DC ultra compact

Your advantages
• Electronic components not permanently cast and thus replaceable and repairable
• Ionisation rod with integrated high-voltage supply in GRP profile
• Pre-set ion balance
Top Air Compact

Your advantages
• Can be combined with common ionisation systems
• Infinitely variable speed setting (manual and external)
• Device easy to move thanks to 4 sturdy rollers for mobile use